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Voltbox Picture

Voltbox. A scam.

These are advertised on spam emails and eBay that claim to cut your electricity bill. It claims to smooth out the AC and power factor correction, which is not used on domestic meters. Does it work? How can a device that plugs into a power-point affect the house meter? The electricity that is used does not pass through it. I am only a white good repairer and not an electrical engineer. Searched and found this: → blogs. It explains why it is a waste of money and a scam. The Web site also explains how to analyse your power usage and make changes to reduce your electricity use and bill.

Another website one pulled apart the Voltbox: and found the active component was a 240VAC capacitor that I sell for $6.50 on eBay The Voltbox sells for $74.00 for one or two for $124.00 with free postage. Returns are only to 5 overseas locations at your expense!

If it sounds too good to be true then it is!

The more an item is advertised as a wonder item the more overpriced and more overstated its claim is! ( and sometimes a complete fraud!)

Don’t be fooled by this advertisement, and ones like it!

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